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To better meet the needs of our customers, Handicap Accès has extended its pool and spa universe rehabilitation equipment and flotation vests. In addition to access to swimming pools and spas, our customers need adapted equipment to improve their mobility and promote muscle strengthening. Thanks to our range of equipment specially designed for these swimming pool exercises, we want to help our customers regain even more autonomy.

The importance of balneotherapy in rehabilitation.

When you have to deal with an injury or undergo surgery, the convalescence period is often marked by rehabilitation sessions. These sessions can be carried out with a physiotherapist, a physiotherapist or in a specialized center. In certain cases, rehabilitation in a swimming pool or balneotherapy may be recommended. This method uses the benefits of water. The advantages are numerous: immersing the body in water creates a phenomenon of lightness which facilitates rehabilitation exercises. The heat of the water, generally around 35°, promotes muscle relaxation and patient relaxation, allowing them to perform their exercises with less pain. Finally, the resistance of the water intensifies movements and promotes gentle muscle strengthening.

The crucial role of balneotherapy and aquatraining equipment in rehabilitation

To meet the specific needs of swimming pool rehabilitation, Handicap Accès has developed a range of rehabilitation equipment. balneotherapy. Thus, pool walkers, grab bars and rehabilitation seats that attach to handrails, removable walking lanes and trampolines have been designed to maximize immersion in the water and facilitate the performance of swimming pools. exercises.

At the same time, our aquatraining equipment, such as swimming pool bikes, elliptical bikes or treadmills allow gentle but effective fitness, promoting muscle strengthening and endurance. They also play an important role in regular training exercises to work on mobility and balance, particularly for seniors.

Finally, our range of rehabilitation accessories, which includes webbed gloves, dumbbells, noodles, boards, etc. is designed to bring more intensity to rehabilitation sessions.

The help of flotation vests for disabled patients

In addition to our range of rehabilitation equipment, we offer flotation vests or buoys. These vests provide additional buoyancy and thus offer the necessary support to disabled people to perform exercises safely or simply to swim. They also constitute a fantastic working tool for physiotherapists and occupational therapists.

At Handicap Accès, we are determined to help our customers regain mobility, balance and strength for greater independence thanks to our complete ranges of balneotherapy and aquatraining equipment and our flotation vests.